Start of the new training year at the bm in Cologne’s Südstadt

Education/Career: Future Gaming, IT and Media

· Around 150 new students choose from a total of over 50 educational offerings

· Participant structure from 16 to over 50 years

· Over 50 permanent teachers and lecturers as well as external industry professionals prepare you for the job

· School of Games: For the first time, Game Artist and Game Programmer courses with hybrid teaching options

Cologne, 27. September 2023 Zum Beginn des Ausbildungsjahres 2023/24 gibt es für die rund 150 Neuzugänge bei der bm – gesellschaft für bildung in medienberufen mbH (bm) zahlreiche attraktive Angebote. In den drei Institutsbereichen Berufskolleg für Medienberufe, Berufsakademie für Medienberufe und School of Games gibt es insgesamt über 50 interessante Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie attraktive Umschulungsangebote. Mit mehr als 50 festen Lehrkräften und Dozierenden sowie einem großen Pool an externen Profis mit Praxis- und Branchenerfahrungen bereitet der private Bildungsträger die Teilnehmenden ideal auf die aktuellen Arbeitsmarktanforderungen vor.„Bei vielen Interessenten stellen wir ein Bedürfnis nach beruflicher Neu- oder Umorientierung fest. Dies zeichnet sich bei unseren Umschulungsangeboten im Bereich der gestalterischen, technischen oder kaufmännischen Medienausrichtung mit IHK-Abschlüssen ab“, sagt Thomas Kirschbaum, Geschäftsführer der bm – gesellschaft für bildung in medienberufen mbh. „Mitbürger*innen mit Migrationshintergrund möchten in den Arbeitsmarkt eingebunden werden und andere, die ihren alten Beruf, aus individuellen Gründen, nicht mehr ausüben können, suchen eine neue Chance. Durch eine Umschulung die zu 100 Prozent durch unterschiedliche Kostenträger, wie Arbeitsagentur, Jobcenter, Deutsche Rentenversicherung oder anderen förderfähig ist, eröffnen wir an der bm diese Chancen auf neue berufliche Perspektiven. Gekoppelt durch individuelle und maßgeschneiderte Betreuung arbeiten wir gemeinsam daran, dass wir den aktuellen Bedürfnissen und Anforderungen der Arbeitswelt durch unsere Umschulungen nachkommen und die bm Absolvent*innen beruflich durchstarten.“

The desire to work in the media world

The participants at the vocational college for media professions (BK), the vocational academy for media professions (BA) and the School of Games differ from one another in terms of their age structure and individual needs. The BK offers young people (from around 16 years of age) with an intermediate school leaving certificate (FOR) the information technology assistant with a focus on game and web development and the design technology assistant with a focus on cross media design. Both training courses include the acquisition of the full university of applied sciences entrance qualification and they also receive a state-recognized professional qualification. "The participants then decide whether they want to go straight into working life or study," says Richard Lamers, head of the vocational college for media professions. In the BA classes there are also participants who are over 50 years old, while the School of Games requires a minimum entry age of 18. “What all areas have in common is that the people who seek training here are driven by the desire to work in the media world,” says Jochen Overwien, head of the vocational academy for media professions.


New offers at the School of Games

Europe's largest games fair, Gamescom in Cologne, came to an end about a month ago. According to the organizers, around 320,000 people attended the five-day event, significantly more than last year. If you believe the experts, the range of products and services in the computer games industry is greater than ever. Enthusiasm is growing as games have become the leading entertainment medium in recent years. Many young people want to work in the games industry. The fascination with games, technology and media - combined with the creation of virtual worlds - are all part of the brand new School of Games course for designers of immersive media. Although immersive media is used in many areas of life, there has been a lack of well-trained specialists in this field. To counteract this shortage, the new, dual IHK training profession in Germany is being launched at the start of the new training year, approved by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Another completely new feature at the School of Games are the hybrid teaching offerings in the Game Artist and Game Programmer courses. "Due to distance learning, potential new trainees have become accustomed to new learning environments in recent years, and they are increasingly asking for them. As a private educational provider, we are able to respond to the needs of our participants and create the conditions that meet today's requirements for the learning atmosphere and, above all, the new world of work," says Andreas Balfanz, Strategic Director of the School of Games. "We do this so that interested parties can start their desired training with us regardless of location. Our experience from many consultations in recent years shows that there are people who do not want to change their place of residence to learn. Online teaching expands the existing face-to-face teaching offering - but it does not replace it. Lecturers and participants who have opted for the face-to-face model will still be taught in the classroom - others can participate virtually. These participants learn the same training content, can take advantage of our individual support services, take the same assessments as on-site participants and, of course, receive the same qualification. The only difference is that participants in online classes use their own equipment, while on-site participants are provided with this by the School of Games."

Education in media, IT, gaming with the latest technical equipment

The modern IT and media production technology includes more than 400 workstations (Windows & Mac OS), which are also used by the in-house eSports team. In addition, there are sound studios, AV studios and a motion capture studio - state of the art in terms of computer-aided transfer of movement sequences to virtual figures, as well as extensive camera and media equipment.

bm has been successfully operating in the market for training, further education and retraining for over 25 years. The core of the brand is the individual support of each participant, and this approach is now being transferred to the hybrid teaching world. bm is well networked in all relevant media areas and thus ensures that entry or re-entry after training or retraining is easier. With several hundred active corporate partnerships, bm offers the best possible access to the professional world of media, games and IT.

About bm – society for education in media professions mbh
For 25 years, bm - gesellschaft für bildung in medienberufen mbh has been a reliable partner for training, further education and retraining for the media and gaming industry at the Sachsenring in the middle of Cologne's Südstadt. The private educational provider offers a range of more than 15 training courses in three company areas: the vocational academy for media professions, the vocational college for media professions and the School of Games. Participants obtain commercial, design and information technology qualifications with a Chamber of Commerce qualification or industry certificate.

About the Vocational College for Media Professions
Das Berufskolleg für Medienberufe bietet als private Ersatzschule seit 2004 staatlich anerkannte Berufsabschlüsse als Gestaltungstechnischer Assistent/In (GTA) und zum Informationstechnischen Assistent/In (ITA) an. Zugangsvoraussetzung ist ein mittlerer Schulabschluss/ Realschulabschluss. Teilnehmende des dreijährigen Ausbildungsganges erwerben die Fachhochschulreife. Jährlich besuchen mehr als 200 SchülerInnen die Bildungseinrichtung.

About the Vocational Academy for Media Professions
Die 2008 gegründete Berufsakademie für Medienberufe vereint unter ihrem Dach ein Schulungsangebot mit kaufmännischen, gestalterischen und informationstechnischen Aus- und Weiterbildungen sowie Umschulungen. Auszubildende oder Umschüler erwerben staatlich anerkannte Ausbildungsabschlüsse mit IHK-Zertifikat als Mediengestalter/in Digital und Print, Mediengestalter/in Bild und Ton, Kaufmann/-frau für Marketingkommunikation, Kaufmann/-frau für IT-System-Management, Kaufmann/-frau für Audiovisuelle Medien, Veranstaltungskaufmann/-frau und Kaufmann/-frau im E-Commerce. Im Rahmen der Aufstiegsqualifizierung runden die Abschlüsse Medienfachwirt/In und Industriemeister/In Printmedien – jeweils in Vollzeit oder berufsbegleitend – das Portfolio ab.

About the School of Games
Since 2016, the School of Games has been offering training courses to become a game artist, game programmer and a marketing communications clerk (IHK) with a focus on game business. Game artists and game programmers complete the course with an industry qualification; alternatively, they can also obtain a qualification with an IHK examination as an immersive media designer or an IT specialist in application development.


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